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Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 147, May 27: The Letter S

Snow, 2010-11, in our back yard.
Some Favorite Words
That Start With S
Sacrifice: I've made my share, but not as many as others. I believe they've helped me grow. And I am in awe that God 
sacrificed his son for all of us.
Shenanigans: I nice word, I'm known for committing my share.
Snickerdoodle: A sugar cookie made famous in my extended family by a close male friend, Rich, who is good-naturedly teased and who loves to bake. Kris just made a batch this week!
Snow: I love how beautiful it looks in early winter, though as I age, I get sick of it much quicker than I used to. I also enjoy shoveling it - for a little while when it's not to heavy!
"Sovay:" A very pleasant song by a singer named Andrew Bird (also a traditional English folk song), who was raised in northwest Illinois. One of Kris' favorite singers.
Sports: Next to music, probably my favorite hobby/pastime. As I get older, watching sports is more common for me than playing them. But I can still shoot baskets pretty well!
Sportsman's Bar: This Stoughton establishment sponsored my slowpitch softball team in my younger days. We were a formidable squad, but had as much fun off the field as on.
Steve: One of my many fun brothers-in-law, I also had an old school friend named Steve who suffered from a painful affliction that caused him to commit suicide at age 25.
Stoughton: My hometown in Wisconsin, it's got 12,611 people - mostly Scandanavians. In the 1960s, it had 5,555 people. I started my newspaper career at the Stoughton Courier Hub weekly.
Swen: My natural nickname, since most places I've worked, it's been my computer abbreviation. But I'd rather be called Jim.

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