How Are They
On Feb. 13, I did a blog about ongoing projects I hoped to maintain or complete. Here is an update on those 10 projects, in reverse order as they were posted in February.
10. Daily blog for 2011: Missed two days, but quickly caught up. Messed up on the Day count at one point
and had to retype about 30 Titles.
9. 100-200 Situps a Day: Average is right about 150
(I've done 10,245 so far)
8. Lift Weights Every other Day: Maintaining it.
I do pushups the same time.
7. Run Every other Day: Pretty consistent. I'm not back at peak pace yet, but I've done 85 miles so far this year.
6. Find and Buy a Dresser to Share With Kris: Completed.
5. Finish Watching all of My New DVDs: Finished "The Time Tunnel." Have watched some of each of the following: Indian History, Civil War stories and 5th season of Saturday Night Live.
4. Add to my iPod: I'm going through my complete 695-page Billboard Top 40 Hits book to add songs. I'm up to K. Most recent adds were by Journey, Jewel and Jay & The Americans.
3. Read Entire Bible: Just finished the story of David and Goliath in the Book of 1 Samuel. I'm on page 404 of 1,800.
This project will not be completed in 2011.
2. Finish My Second Book: Writing about Cuba City coach Jerry Petitgoue and tri-state high school boys basketball. I'm into the 1990s. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
1. Be a Better Husband: Our Bible study group has finished the husband/wife segment. I've learned about being more empathetic.
I can be better.
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