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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 114, Easter: Thankful

He Has Risen
And I Am Thankful
For ...
My Good Health: Running yesterday on the Heritage Trail, I thanked God for my good knees and the ability to have run
and played sports for so long.
My Good Mind: Though it plays tricks on me at times, it works and I keep working it to keep it honest.
The Golden Rule: I believe in it so deeply, I only wish I could follow it at every moment. It transcends religions.
Having a Job: I don't take it for granted, especially since I'm doing what I love - working on a newspaper.
My Writing Ability: It could be better ... I could have a million seller! But God has given me an ability to put words together in a way that conveys clearly (most of the time) what I feel and believe.
My Journey: He has taken me to so many places - physically, emotionally and mentally - and I trust He will continue to do so
to make me the man that I am.
My Three Families: How lucky I am to have my immediate family, my first wife's family and me second wife's family
as people I can count on to care.
My Sons: Jay and Shawn are men now and I am very proud to say that I am their father. They will carry on the Swenson name very well.
My wives: Jane taught me to care about others first and what courage is all about; Kris is teaching me tolerance and opening me to new ways to look at things I used to take for granted. God bless both.
My faith: It's very weak at times; I am so human. But deep down it's there and I am so thankful. I pray others gain strength from it or eventually discover its wonder and rewards.

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