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Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 45, Feb. 14: Loves

Photo courtesy of
Loves of My Life
First, Kris was OK with me putting this list up on Valentine's Day. Second, I barely have 10 loves of my life to include. Other than Kris and my first wife, Jane, who died of breast cancer almost 8 years ago, the longest I dated a woman was a few months. In fact, my love life is quite boring. Still, I wouldn't mind finding out what happened to some of these women,
who helped me to move on with life.
In chronological order:
Nancy I: I was 12 and I really, really liked Nancy. I showed it by wrestling her to the ground in our neighborhood.
Lori: I was 14. Lori was the first girl I noticed who was,
well, developing into a woman.
Mary Beth: As a sophomore and junior, I was too scared to ask Mary Beth out. She ended up marrying one of my best friends
and is still a good friend to me, as well.
Debbie: I was a senior, Debbie was a freshman
and it was my first kissing experience.
Kathy: Still a senior, Kathy was a sophomore.
Great girl and second smartest woman I ever dated.
Nancy II: Now in college, I had an awkward fling with her during a spring break trip. I was supposed to be spending time with buddies, but instead, spent it with Nancy - my friend's sister :-(
Andrea: While working at a paper in Fulton, Mo., I met this blonde "Southern Belle" from Doniphan. To this day,
I wonder how Andrea's life turned out.
Mary Lou: While working at a paper in Idaho, I flew to Baltimore to spend time with this clogger, who had been a pen-pal.
Jane: Soon after moving to Dubuque, God sent Jane to the Telegraph Herald. We were married for 17 years and raised two sons. My first "real" love. God took her on her 42nd birthday.
Kris: God sent me another love - which I still can't believe. I'm slowly maturing in my ability to love someone who dearly loves me.
(And she's the smartest woman I've ever dated!)


  1. "Awkward fling," "clogger" and "developing into a woman" all in the same list. Brilliant.

  2. Mary Beth enjoyed her inclusion to your list :)
