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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4, Jan. 4: Favorite reasons I stay slim,
I ...
 Never eat until I'm stuffed.
(It's a fine line between being full and stuffed - I don't cross it.)
 Work up at least a little sweat every day.
(Except when I have a bad cold, like today :-(
 Don't eat a whole bag or bar of any chocolate candy.
(Half today, half tomorrow.)
 Jog up the stairs.
(Some say take them instead of the elevator; I say jog 'em.)
 TMI warning: Work regular bowel movements into my schedule
(two in a day is a bonus!)
Don't eat ANY dessert if I'm full after a meal (see first reason)
 Satisfy a daily mid-morning hunger with a handful of peanuts
(salted, too!)
 Seldom sit still for more than an hour
(at work or at home; I get up and move)
 Hardly ever add cheese or bacon to any foods
(stay plain, stay slim)
 Am small-boned
(and my wife, Kris, says my metabolism is very high) 

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