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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1: Favorite times on a digital clock

12:34 (It used to be a.m., when I was a younger partier. It’s p.m. now).
11:11 (It’s so soothing.)
12:12 (Harder, I like the firmness of it.)
1:23 (Very ordered, almost organized.)
10:10 (Pleasant, like a :-)
1:11 (Simple Simon.)
3:21 (Starting to count down another day at work.)
12:59 (Can’t get any higher.)
3:33 (Just like it better than 2:22, 4:44 or 5:55).
1:01 (Makes the list, but also makes me sad for some reason.)


  1. Later this year we will have 11:11 on 11/11/11!

  2. Mine is "6:06." It's the name of the sports call-in program on BBC Radio.
