Some Favorite Words
That Start With U
Ubiquitous: Might rank among my Top 50 favorite sounding words, it means existing or being everywhere at the same time. Like me when I get squirrely.
Udders: I've seen a lot of them when visiting my brother-in-law's farm. They look strange.
Uffda: A popular phrase used by Norwegian Americans, especially in my neck of the woods. I use it often.
Ukulele: A pleasant instrument and a pleasant-sounding word. Commonly thought to originate in Hawaii.
Ulterior: One of those words that almost always is followed by the same word - motive. I've had a few ulterior motives in my past.
Unalakleet: One of the many tiny communities in Alaska, it has 747 residents. It's located next to the Bering Sea and is the first checkpoint for the Iditarod Dog Race.
Uncle Bob: My late dad's oldest brother, he's beaten the odds of Swenson males dying young as he now in his mid-80s. My dad, another brother Clayton and their father all died before retirement age.
"Up:" A very touching and cute animated 2009 movie. Ranks among my Top 10 animated films.
"Urgent:" A 1981 rock song by Foreigner, it's refrain is a constant chant of urgent. For some odd reason for the longest time, I thought they were saying "virgin."
Uvula: A weird word for that thing that hangs down in the back of your mouth. For the longest time, I thought that was my tonsil.
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