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Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 129, May 9: The Letter A

Words That Start With A
That Have Meaning to Me
Doing a daily blog of lists is a challenge. I need a stretch where I can count on what my next blog will be. So, for the next 26 days, I'm going through the alphabet. I'm a writer. I should be able to take this stretch and make it interesting. Time will tell.
Aardvark: A great word and a mysterious, homely animal. Googling, I found an Aardvark Taxi in Iowa City and
an Aardvark Tattoo in Portland, Ore.
ABBA: One of my favorite singing groups of all time. Anni-"Frida", Benny, Bjorn and Agnetha. Great Swedes. Favorite songs: "Chiquitia," "Fernando," and "Mama Mia."
Adcock, Joe: A well-known Major League Baseball player for the Milwaukee Braves in the 1950s, he hit 336 career home runs.
But as a kid, I'm sure he hated his name.
Africa: A continent that fascinates me. I couldn't handle going there for too long; the heat would get to me. My brother-in-law
Emmanuel is from Malawi, Africa.
Amy: My youngest sister, she died in 2008 after living a tough 47 years. She left behind three fantastic kids and a lot of great memories.
Ann: My other sister, she was born a year before Amy. Ann, Dave and my god-daughter Renae live in Cedarburg. Wonderful family. Renae is a very good high school gymnast.
"Annie Hall": My favorite Woody Allen movie, in my Top 10 of the 1970s and probably makes my Top 25 of all-time.
APBA: My dad played an APBA baseball game when I was a kid. It used dice and cards with players' names on them. I picked up the habit and played it off-and-on until my 30s.
Arkadelphia: A cool-sounding city in Arkansas that has been in my tournaments (see Jan. 22 post). I learned tonight its newspaper is called the Daily Siftings Herald and
that "adelphia" is Greek for brother/place.
Arnold: The nickname of a good friend of mine from Stoughton. I believe he also had the part of Arnold in a junior high play "Green Acres." A member of the Sons of Norway.

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