Some Favorite Words
That Start With B
Bacardi: I had a few run-ins with rum when I was in my 20s. Now, a little bit in a fruity drink brings back only the fond
memories of my youth.
Barn: As a sloppy kid, I often was asked if I was born in one of these or, told to close the "barn door" on my pants.
Bayonet: As a Civil War enthusiast, this word conjures up romanticism as well as gruesomeness. I just could not imagine plunging one of these into somebody.
Ben: Last year, I had four of them on my Little League team. This year, it's down to three, thank God.
Bent Scepters: A rock group out of Iowa City, I believe, they were playing at a birthday party in the Dubuque warehouse district one night when Kris and I were invited in. Great memory.
Billie: The Boston Terrier that my mom and dad loved dearly. I loved fighting him, especially after coming home from a night out on the town in Stoughton.
Bludgeon: One of those words that sounds cool, but carries horrible connotations. It only seems to be used in the following sentence: He was bludgeoned to death.
Bob Barker: I loved Price is Right when I was younger. Bob and his beauties - what more could you ask for. And make sure your pets are spayed and neutered.
Bucyrus: One of those cool sounding city names, it's pop. in 2000 was 13,224. I Googled and found out it's the Bratwurst Capit of America (I thought for sure that would be in Wisconsin)
Bushwhack: Another cool sounding word, it makes me think of Yosemite Sam for some odd reason.
There is a Bucyrus connection to Wisconsin. The Bucyrus Museum website covers it very well. You can find it (if you permit links posted here) at: