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Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 133, May 13: The Letter E

Some Favorite Words
That Start With E
Eager: This is the proper word to use when you excitedly can't wait for something. It's not "anxious," which means you're
also nervous or worried.
Eagle: It's the mascot of my two sons' high school, Dubuque Wahlert. And, though I'm not a flag-waving patriot, this is our national bird
and I am a proud American.
Earl: He was a unique, rough-around-the-edges friend of my late sister's second husband, Bob. He showed up at a family birthday party in Kieler, Wis., and caused a few raised eyebrows.
Eau Claire: A neat city name in Wisconsin with 66,278 people. It's name is French for "clear waters." Eau Claire is home to the U.S. National Kubb Championships, a Swedish yard game.
Edith: No, not Bunker. My mom's name is Edith, though my late father, Lee, used to good-naturedly say she had some things
in common with Edith Bunker.
Eggplant: The two parts of this word just don't seem to go together. As a kid, I imagined planting a chicken egg and getting something to grow. And, I won't eat one (it?), either.
Eight: It was Carl Yastrzemski's, Joe Morgan's and Cal Ripken Jr's jersey number (three of my favorite baseball players).
Enya: A spiritual female singer who I began to enjoy in the late 1990s. Her first hit was called "Orinoco Flow (Sail Away)," in 1989.
Esophagus: It's the tube tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach. I just think it's a fascinating word.
Eucalyptus: A very neat word and a tree that is found primarily in Australia. I learned there are 700 species and some grow as tall as 200 feet. A future favorite word - koalas - live in them!

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