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Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 98, April 8: Bonus TV

My Favorite TV
Mini-Series & Documentaries
I haven't watched that many, but I do have a Top 10 list (as always!) Ken Burns has three on the list.
1. "The Civil War" (1990): There was no doubt, was there?
2. "Jesus of Nazareth" (1977): The portrayal was heavenly.
3. "Baseball" (1994): Could have been better, but still great.
4. "Lonesome Dove: (1989): Kris hooked me on this on DVD.
5. "John Adams" (2008): Ditto. We watched this together and loved it.
6. "Roots" (1977): An eye-opener for a kid
from a lily-white community.
7. "The West" (1997): Another great Burns' effort.
8. "North & South" (1985): A little too much soap opera,
but it was the Civil War!
9. "Centennial" (1978): Barely remember it, but it was pretty cool.'
10. "The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau" (1966-76):
Hey, it was listed as a documentary and I liked it.


  1. What were you doing in 1976? Me, I was watching "The Adams Chronicles." Decent enough mini-series that went over big during the bicentennial.

  2. I can't quite remember that one, but it sounds like I would have enjoyed it.
