10 Things I Imagine
About Heaven
This is my seventh of what I call "serious" posts.
I don't believe there is anything wrong with talking about heaven. I wish we'd talk about it more - without judging. But it makes people nervous because it really can become a deep conversation. Some of the 10 things I imagine about it are deep;
some aren't. Perhaps this list will cause you to ponder, too.
some aren't. Perhaps this list will cause you to ponder, too.
1. Mind-Boggling: Ultimately, it will surely be too magnificent for me to try to describe in this or any other list. But I imagine it being like earth - without the blemishes.
2. Intellectual: You don't believe in it? Consider its possibilities. You surely wonder about intelligent and advanced life in space. What about time travel? Heaven is a similar unknown to seriously ponder.
3. Forever and ever: Seems like a long time. But again, expand your mind to consider that time -
and all of its limitations - won't exist in heaven.
4. No pains: Wow, the aches I've been accumulating over the years - physical and emotional - will go away.
5. Loved ones: They'll be there. And I believe you will love everyone - and be loved - as much as you loved anyone on earth.
6. Boring?: No way! Wouldn't it take an eternity to meet and share stories with every single person who ever lived? I believe it will. And I'll learn how to play an instrument! I'll read fiction!!
I'll slow down and smell the roses!!!
7. Flying: Yes, I believe we'll be able to fly high in the sky and swim to the deepest part of the oceans.
8. Animals: They're God's creations, so they will be there, too. Imagine falling asleep next to a lion or petting the squirrels.
Fido and Tabby will be there, too.
9. Space travel: I imagine finally moving at the speed of light and seeing God's most distant creations. Then, who says we won't meet life from other galaxies? Why not?
10. Judgement: So who will go and who won't? I would not be a Christian if I didn't proudly say you need to believe in Christ. Yet, since I also know I am not God, it will be up to Him what ultimately happens. Like a young child trusts and believes in his loving father - even when doesn't understand his actions -
I believe and trust in a loving God.
(I owe the expansion of some of my views on this subject
to the book, "Heaven," by Randy Alcorn.)
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