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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40, Feb. 9: Peeve Me Off

My Biggest Pet Peeves
I try not to have too many; people with too many pet peeves are, well, one of my pet peeves
(though it just misses making my Top 10).
1. Drivers who don't use their blinkers
(this is SO much higher than any other pet peeve, it's unbelievable.
2. Leaving the lights on when you're not in the room
(sorry to anyone I've ever lived with; my dad drilled this into my head
during the Carter administration)
3. "Cute" kids who are fawned over too much at adult parties
(It gets old fast. I never did that with MY kids ... or did I?)
4. Radio DJs who don't say the name of the song
or artist after playing it
(I gotta know; some of those songs might make a future list!)
5. People who talk too loudly on their cellphones
(Kris is probably surprised this isn't higher,
but I guess I've gotten used to the boorish behavior - heaven help me)
6. People who can't whisper in the movie theater
(At least they're not on their cellphones.)
7. Sports fans who blame officials for losses
(It's never their team that's to blame -
more likely some kind of conspiracy)
8. Overuse of the f-word
(It used to be a calculated decision meant to draw special attention
to something - like hitting your thumb with a hammer.)
9. Leaving a bed unmade
(Fortunately for Kris, she's got a "gremlin" who makes our bed)
10. Hypocritical Far-Left or Far-Right people
(They demand tolerance from one another without granting any.)


  1. I just encountered a "non-blinker" at the infamous University and Asbury intersection. It's not as though that particular corner isn't bad enough already!

    Brian Hughes

  2. Totally, I want to know the song title! preferably before and after the song.
