Favorite Snow Memories
We had 13.5 inches (above) as part of the huge Midwest storm last night. Quite memorable. Here are a few others:
1. Driving through snow-packed Yellowstone National Park in late April, early 1980s. I was on my way from Gillette, Wyo. to Idaho Falls for an interview. Snow as high as my car on both sides of the road as I entered. Had the park almost to myself
as it opened just the day before.
2. A Christmas Eve blizzard when I was in grade school that forced us to turn around on the way to our great grandma's house from the rural Stoughon area and go back home.
3. Building a tunnel and cave for my young sons after a huge snowstorm in the late '80s caused drifts to block our garage door.
4. Walking down to Kris' house early in our friendship and carrying my shovel to help her dig out after a huge snowstorm in 2004.
5. Being part of a huge late winter college snowball fight near Tutt Hall at UW-Whitewater my freshman year.
6. Sledding with the boys down the imposing runs
at Bunker Hill Golf Course.
7. Making snow angels with my first wife, Jane, late at night
near the Town Clock Plaza in Dubuque.
8. Skiing - albeit horribly - on the mountains of Sun Valley, Idaho.
9. Ice skating on an outdoor rink at the town's Catholic church
surrounded by snow in Stoughton, Wis., as a kid.
surrounded by snow in Stoughton, Wis., as a kid.
10. Being at UW-Madison when several students built a submerged replica of the Statue of Liberty on the snow of a frozen lake.
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