Favorite Sports-Related Wins:
Watched & Partook
The Green Bay Packers Super Bowl victory yesterday moved right into my Top 5 favorite sports-related victories I've seen on TV or in person. I'm also including my Top 5 wins that I was physically a part of.
1. Red Sox win Game 4 of World Series, Oct. 27, 2004: Ask a Cubs fan how he'll feel if they finally win one; you'll know how I felt.
2. Wisconsin Badgers win Rose Bowl, Jan. 1, 1994: I was in the Pasadena pressbox that day covering it for the TH.
Made it twice as sweet as watching it on TV.
3. (tie) GB Packers win Super Bowl, 1997 and 2011: The first one was shared with my first wife and friends; the second with my second wife, two grown sons and their grandfather.
5. Milwaukee Bucks win Game 4 of NBA championship, April 30, 1971: Lew Alcindor, Oscar Robertson and my favorite, Jon McGlocklin.
I was 14, impressionable and the NBA was fun to watch.
Participated in
1. Title game of the Grant County youth parochial basketball league, Feb. 1993: I coached Kieler Immaculate Conception and we shocked unbeaten Cuba City St. Rose, which had beaten us by 20 earlier.
2. Stoughton city softball championship game, Aug. 1981: I played 2B/CF for our Kerr McGee/Sportsman's team that beat the Stoughton Teachers, making up for losing the year before
to dreaded Stoughton Lumber.
3. Stoughton Alumni Basketball Tournament B Division title game, March 1987: I played the off guard on our 1975 team that defeated the Class of 1980. I scored about 12 points and was pooped
after the long weekend.
4. Dubuque Boys & Girls Club father-son free throw contest (more than once): I won with younger son, Shawn, as well as older son, Jay.
5. Stoughton Invitational high school Cross Country meet: Dropped to JV for one race after an illness caused a bad previous varsity race,
I beat about 50 other JV runners, breaking the tape.
Would have ranked higher on list, but I was a senior at the time :-(
I was happy to be there for 2 and 3 under "participated in".