10 Things I Like
About Bowling
Friend, Al, believes bowling is boring. Bad Al. Bowling can be a blast!
Here are 10 things I like about bowling.
1. The balls. All different colors and weights (from 6 to 16 pounds). Some even have four finger holes!
2. The shoes. They are so unique and colorful. They should also hand out rented shirts with first names on them.
3. The atmosphere. It's lively with lots of laughing (and some swearing). And the sound of pins getting knocked over is cool.
4. Oily lanes. Wait, I don't like this aspect of bowling.
5. Strikes. They can be a smashing, scattering strikes or those that mix the pins all over the place.
6. The friends. One of mine, named Kort, used to launch his ball sky high - once hitting the ceiling and almost getting us thrown out. Now that's fun!
7. Picking up splits. They're not easy to pick up, but when you do, it always draws a great reaction.
8. Bumper rails. Used most often when little kids bowl to avoid gutters, a group of drinking friends occasionally enjoy them.
9. Gutter balls. Another shot that always draws reaction and adds to the atmosphere.
10. It's easy. Really! Here are the main tips. Hold the ball with hand underneath. Walk slowly (3 or 5 steps), bring the ball back slowly and when you bring it down, turn hand as you release it as if you are going to shake hands with someone.
Hmmm. Nice try, but last time I did any bowling that 6 to 16 pound weight on the end of one arm about wrecked that shoulder and my lower back. It's a venerable sport...but I'm getting too old and rickety for it. Good list, however. You've defended its honor.