10 Things I've Done
With Sticks
Kris sent me a great article/column today titled "The 5 Greatest Toys." (http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2011/01/the-5-best-toys-of-all-time/all/1) I was expecting Lincoln Logs, YoYos and the such. The five were Sticks, String, Mud, Boxes and Cardboard Tubes. I wish I would have come up with the idea for a blog post or newspaper column.
But it did give me the inspiration for today's post.
1. Used them as pretend rifles: It was one of the first games I played with other little boys in the neighborhood.
2. Rubbed two of them together: I never did get a fire to start.
3. Threw them like a spear: Again, another fun thing to do as a kid.
4. As pretend utensils: We four kids would sometimes create pretend dishes for a pretend family reunion
(also used mud, rocks, grass and leaves).
5. As a sword: Sometimes this led to the loser crying, which often led to some punishment.
6. As a cane: During walks over the years, I've found an especially nice looking stick for this purpose.
7. As a stake: They've come in handy when I lost a tent stake or to mark gardens, etc.
8. For campfires: The smaller ones on the bottom, bigger ones next and logs last.
9. As arms for a snowman: This was especially fun when the boys were young.
10. To float down a stream: Not quite a pretend boat, but they still are fun to watch when it's a bubbling brook or fast current.
Note: I'm proud to say I never used one as a spanking tool, although I was at the (back) end of a couple.
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