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Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 325, Nov. 21: Talking Civil War

10 People I Would Interview
If I Could Go Back to the Civil War
Another fine suggested topic from my friend, Al. Very thought-provoking. 
I'm looking forward to creating this list.
1. Abraham Lincoln: He's a no-brainer. To just hear what his voice sounded like would be cool.
2. Frederick Douglass: The former slave who became the intellectual and emotional spokesman against the evil.
3. Robert E. Lee: Did he really believe he could win? And why did you send out Pickett's Charge?
4. Ulysses S. Grant: I'd like to know the differences between leading an army and leading a country.
5. An older slave who was set free: Just to listen to his story and see the relief in his eyes.
6. Stonewall Jackson: He would make me nervous, but I'd want to try to determine if he was a bit crazed or not.
7. A common soldier from Stoughon, Wis.: We could exchange stories of living in our hometowns.
8. James Longstreet: With no malice meant to General Lee, could he have won the Battle of Gettysburg?
9. A common soldier from the South: What did he think of slavery and the rich in their Southern mansions?
10. George McClellan: I'd like to find out just how conceited and egotistical he really was.
Honorable mention: George Armstrong Custer: I wonder what his aspirations were 
at that young of an age.

1 comment:

  1. Good group to interview there. I'd suggest:
    1. Monitor or Merrimac crew members.
    2. Nathan Bedford Forrest (About his post-war activities especially.)
    3. Someone who witnessed the Gettysburg address. (Maybe the photographer who missed the photograph for the ages?)
    4. Allan Pinkerton (Who guarded Lincoln.)
    5. Tad Lincoln
    6. Humorists Artemus Ward, Orpheus C. Kerr, or Petroleum Nasby. (Love to talk to one of the guys who could make Lincoln laugh.)
