of My Hair
There's not as much as there used to be, but it's hanging in there - especially on the sides and in the back. On top? Not so much.
Early haircuts: I barely remember the Brylcreem - that "little dab will do ya" stuff that kept hair in its proper place. (Hair MUST know it's proper place in this world.)
Buzzcuts: I don't recall these cuts as much because
they went pretty fast.
"Bangs are for sissies!" My dad's exact words when I tried to emulate John, Paul and George (not Ringo!)
The last short cut: I remember my mom cutting my hair too short and me, teary-eyed in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to stretch those sissy bangs farther down on my forehead.
Gum: It made its way from my mouth to my hair one night when I forgot to take it out before falling to sleep.
Oily: It's a scientific fact that long, thick hair has a tendency to get oily. That's all I'm going to say about this.
First scalp burn: I spent all day outside covering the Idaho State Track Meet in Boise. It wasn't too hot, but it was sunny. When I got back to my hotel, I had a top-of-a head burn - and it wasn't even thin yet!
"Oily's going bald!" A classmate named Kort exclaimed this during our 20th (or was it 25th) class reunion. Not sure who he was really talking about ...
Blowin in the Wind: I love the song, but my "thinning-out" hair doesn't appreciate the feeling as it tries to maintain "its proper place." Guess I could surf for Brylcreem on the Web.
The Big Cut: One of these days I vow to get a short, short haircut so there is no question that I am not purposely striving for the perfect comb over. It's still natural so far, though :-)
As nicknames go it could've been worse. "Dry,Brittle Hair?" Isn't near as slick.