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Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 234, Aug. 22: Hold No Grudges

10 Reasons Why It's Not Worth The Effort
To Hold Grudges on Anyone
Had a run-in with a fellow employee today. The person said several nasty things and I took some of them to heart - not because they hurt me (I don't know the person well enough to be hurt by him/her) but it made me ponder. I hope I can separate the wheat from the chafe and become a better person. I quickly forgave and forgot what was said.
1. My spiritual beliefs: I believe Jesus when he says 
to forgive even your worst enemies.
2. It builds up: For me, the few times I've come close to holding a serious grudge, it takes a small piece of my well-being away from me.
3. Misunderstandings: Often, a grudge is started by things that were misunderstood. Perhaps they can be figured out and put behind you.
4. It's immature: The few adults who have held grudges against me always seem infantile in their efforts to maintain the grudge. 
I don't want to be an infant.
5. Holds You Back: If you can get to the bottom of why you hold a grudge or why someone holds one against you, 
perhaps you can learn from it.
6. Life's Too Short: In the scheme of the eternity I believe in, life is way too short to waste time on holding grudges.
7. Set an Example: I've surprised and left a positive impression on more than one person with my willingness to forgive and forget. 
I hope my sons have noticed that.
8. It Can Be Very Painful: When I first discover someone is holding a grudge on me, it really hurts. I don't want to put another person through that.
9. It's a Challenge: It's so much easier to hold a grudge. I've grown as a person by taking the tougher road and forgiving.
10. Practice What I Preach: I'm not perfect. I have held short-lived grudges. And I can think of a couple of people who I won't go out of my way to salute, even though I forgive them. 
I hope God forgives me for that.

1 comment:

  1. At its most basic level doesn't a grudge explain most wars? Seems likely with the Civil War, for instance. Grudges gnaw at freedom's bindings.
