Some Favorite Words
That Start With X
Xenia: A town in Ohio with 25,917 people. The word means "hospitality." A classic tale of an old city, Xenia once had three railroads passing through it. Today, there are none.
X-Rays: This one makes the list for two reasons: There are few X words I know and I am fascinated by how they look
after they've been taken.
Xylophone: A cool word and a fun instrument -
especially the little ones for kids.
Yastrzemski: Carl, of the Red Sox. He's been mentioned in other blog posts, but can you blame a 10-year-old in 1967 for being enamored by such a cool name? A Sox fan ever since.
(Yankee does not make this list!)
Yes: Imagine how many wonderful things have happened in your life when this word is pronounced. (Forget about the bad things.)
Yiddo Ode Lady: A fictitious character I created with my voice to entertain my youngest son, Shawn, and a few nieces
when they were young.
YMCA: I've had some great times playing and coaching at the Y. Now my oldest son, Jay, is going to be program director
at the Maquoketa (Iowa) YMCA.
Yodel: Fun word and fun to watch some good yodelers to their thing.
Yo-Yo: They're fun, though I'm not good at them, plus it's a song by The Osmonds that regretfully I teased a good friend, Tom, about in junior high. (I have strange memories.)
Ypsilanti: Probably one of my Top 25 favorite city names, this town of 22,362 is in southern Michigan. Domino's Pizza was founded here in 1960 near Eastern Michigan University.
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