mY aLL-tiMe FAVoRitE
Stand-Up Comedians
Some are classics, some are lesser known. But all made me laugh - a lot. The top tier made me laugh until I cried. The lower tier made me laugh almost philosophically. I like laughing both ways. You'll notice, none of my comedians are known for coarse, gross or dirty language. Not my thing. To each his/her own, though!
Tears Tier
Rodney Dangerfield: No list of stand-ups could forget him, could it?
Kevin Meany: I saw his live show in Las Vegas and
nearly choked on my drink I laughed so hard.
Jerry Seinfeld: I liked him a lot long before his TV series began.
Sinbad: I couldn't get enough
of his Comedy Central specials a few years back.
Jonathan Winters: My earliest experience
of laughing until tears flowed.
Thinking Tier
Woody Allen: He introduced me to the Jewish lifestyle and deep, thoughtful laughs.
Albert Brooks: What a way with words and everyday problems.
Bill Cosby: Another grand daddy that should grace
every list of top comics.
Steve Martin: Goofy and silly, but he managed
to also make you think.
Dennis Miller: What a vocabulary.
And an equal opportunity political humorist.
Gallagher, Steven Wright, Robert Klein, George Gobel, Will Rogers, Milton Berle, Bob Hope, Alan King, Morrie Amsterdam, Jasper Carrot, George Wallace, Edgar Bergen, Jerry Clower, George Carlin, The Smothers Brothers, George Burns and Gracie Allen, and Jack Benny. Seems like they were essentially stand-up comedians. And they made me laugh.